sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2016

Hate only harms the ones who feel it

Después de mucho tiempo escribo en inglés. Lo hago por la temática que trato y su contexto y porque me ha salido del alma.

I just read this article about how's being going in the first day of Trump's America. https://medium.com/@seanokane/day-1-in-trumps-america-9e4d58381001#.gq674vu6c

It is absolutely horrifying. Americans (and the whole world) will have to face and suffer not only the hate that Trump and his voters promote but the free path Trump's policies give to this hate. How is this possible? How is it possible that people still support policies that are based on racism, sexism, no tolerance, hate or inequality? Don’t people concern about History? And the most serious thing, it’s not only in USA where all this is happening. We can feel it also in Europe. We are supporting wars and letting people die. We are kicking people off from our “rich” countries without wondering why they had to come. We are not giving peace a chance, we are not letting money and culture apart. We are still like humans where 100 years ago.

Why Trump won the Elections in USA? Basically it can be answered by two words: fear and ignorance. Two words that have accompanied society since long long time and that have permitted many of the horrors that humans have made to each other over History.

Michael Moore gives a deeper analysis about why he won. It helps to understand what is happening to our times. http://michaelmoore.com/trumpwillwin/

What can we do now is the next question. Well, I think we need to worry. We do need to worry. But now, more than ever hope is necessary. We have to accept this situation but we don’t want it to continue long time, so we also need strength to overcome it and to defeat it as soon as possible. You may think this is easy to say but we just have to keep believing in a change and making it possible locally. Starting from teaching our kids that a world free of racism, sexism and inequality is possible, and believing ourselves that we are lots who think this way. Lots who know that hate only harms the ones who feel it.

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